- donate
Donate a Solar Powered Water Pump
- Donate a Solar Powered Water Pump
- Donate
- donate
Donate for Turkey and Syria Earthquake Emergency
- Donate for Turkey and Syria Earthquake Emergency (Food packs)
- Donate
- donate
Reconstruct a house in flood affected area
- Donate Rs. 6,000 to reconstruct a house in flood affected area.
- Donate
- donate
Sponsor a Child Education for one year
- Sponsor a Child Education for one year.
- Donate
- donate
Sponsor a Medical Camp
- Sponsor a free Medical Camp
- Donate
- donate
Sponsor a Teacher’s salary
- Sponsor a Teacher's salary
- Donate
- donate
Water Filtration Plant
- Donate a Safe Drinking Water Filtration Plant (including O & M cost for six months)
- Donate